Mattapoisett's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The long-awaited ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the completion of Mattapoisett’s new fire station designed by Context Architecture was held on Saturday, December 11, 2021 to a full house of visitors from around the community.

This new Fire Headquarters replaces Mattapoisett’s 1952 3-bay 1-1/2 stories station. The former amenity was unable to house an apparatus and did not provide adequate living and sleeping facilities. Through the programming phase, Context was able to design a facility that provided all the program needs for the department while staying within the town’s budget.

The design utilized the flatter portions of the site and reconstructed the contours to allow for a drive-through five-bay apparatus room while maintaining a site and landscape design well suited to Mattapoisett’s natural landscape. Situated on a prominent street (County Rd.) the station is designed with its front entrance facing Hubbard’s Way, a neighborhood street.

Andrew Murray, Fire Chief

Other improvements that are brought by the new fire station include proper ventilation and cleaning equipment that will reduce the amount of pollution and carcinogens that firefighters are exposed to; enough space to house all the department’s trucks and equipment (previously spread between five separate locations around town); adequate office space, training facilities and overnight accommodations; and an on-site machine that can refill oxygen tanks.

Jordan Collyer, Selectman Chairman

Click here to read more about this event.