Context Takes a Field Trip
/Last week the entire Context team participated in a full day touring some of our recently completed projects, and one that is still under construction. Taking time out of a very busy work schedule is not an easy choice, but we value the learning experience tremendously. Visiting our buildings after they have started to be used gives us a new perspective on what works and what we could do even better the next time. It also allows the entire team to see building types they may not have worked on themselves, so they can be prepared when they do work on one in the future. Finally, it gives us an easy excuse to see past clients and celebrate the good work that was done.
Atrium space within the North andover town hall
We started the tour by visiting the North Andover Town Hall which was completed in 2016. This project began as a full renovation of the former fire station which was built against the town hall. The design quickly evolved to include renovating the interior of the original town hall and encompassed the integration of a forgotten courtyard into a grand stair and atrium. We explored how the project was designed to integrate the new into the existing to create one unified town hall.
Inside the apparatus bay at north andover central fire station
The group then toured the North Andover Central Fire Station which was completed the year before the town hall project. The new fire station is situated on a corner allowing for four drive-through apparatus bays and a spacious crew quarters.
Site visit to the new westford fire station
The third project we visited was the construction site for the new Westford Fire Station; which is anticipated to be completed at summers end 2018. While we toured the space we were able to see the stair's railing installation underway and check in with the construction team to get updates on how things were progressing.
Inside the evidence examination room at the weston police department
We then toured Weston Police Department including their indoor firing range and finished the day with a quick visit to Newton’s Fire Station #10; both of which were new construction and completed in 2015.
The tour of each building, although designed by Context, was led by one of our client’s and it was great to hear them speak about what the design and construction process meant to them as well as how pleased they were with the final project!