Scarborough Public Safety Complex is Open!

The long-awaited and much needed new Public Safety Building is now operational in the Town of Scarborough, ME. Located next to the existing Town Hall, the new facility will create a municipal services campus and make it much easier for departments and the public to interact.


Located within one of the busiest fire districts in Town, the new 53,000-square-foot building houses the Fire, EMS, Police, and Communications departments. The building was designed to accommodate the growing demand for services for each department that was constrained within existing deteriorating buildings. The facility offers independent, purpose-built spaces for each department, training facilities, and state of the art technology. Space shared between all departments including a fitness room and flexible meeting space keeps the plan efficient while providing flexibility for the future.


Context is extremely pleased with the results of this building as well as knowing that the Town is better equipped to provide critical services to the public.